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How To Remove Sex Doll TPE Stains In Less Than 10 Seconds

Posted on March 18 2019

One of the scariest things a new sex doll owner can experience is accidentally damaging their sex doll.  You've done your research, found the best sex doll, waited a few weeks for her arrival, and you even took the time to read our sex doll user guide.  You've done everything right! How could your new sex doll have a stain on her once blemish free skin.  

Not to fear, any seasoned sex doll owner will tell you stains are rare but tough avoid.  This is especially true if you're buying many new outfits for your doll or having her wear clothing for long periods of time.

What causes sex doll skin stains? 

Though very durable and elastic, sex doll skin is porous.  This means there are tiny holes which give her softness, but can make her vulnerable to absorbing moisture and staining.  The most common reason sex dolls get stained is exposure to new dark colored fabric, or tightly fitting clothing with elastic waste bands.  

New fabrics often have excess dye which can seep into your dolls skin if left in contact for a long period of time.  

The guide below will show you step by step our to remove discoloration from your sex doll's skin and give her that brand new factory look once more.

Guide: How To Fix Sex Doll Stain

Note: This guide works for both TPE and silicone sex dolls

Step 1: Get yourself a can of Klean Strip - Odorless Painter's Solvent


Step 2: Apply the solvent to the stain using a cotton swab or q-tip.   


Step 3: Let it sit and wait for 10-60 seconds, depending on how deep the stain is. 

Step 4: Wipe away the solvent and the stain with a clean cotton swab or q-tip.



There you have it! Using the method above you can clean lighter stains within 10 seconds and deep stains by waiting a bit longer, 60 seconds.  

Credit to digitaldavid at dollforum.com